My Little Sunshine Exhibition

My Little Sunshine Exhibition

Hummingbird House is Queensland’s only children’s hospice, and one of only three children’s hospices in Australia. They provide specialised paediatric palliative care services to children and young people with a life-limiting condition, helping them make the most of every precious moment they have.

Hummingbird House is pleased to be involved in Navin Samuel Regi’s My Little Sunshine, a multi-media documentary and interactive exhibition posed as a thought-provoking exploration of grief as a companion of love.

Crafted through narrative audio stories and documentary photography, My Little Sunshine features intimate stories of Hummingbird House families and staff, captured over a four-year period, which is both a poignant tribute to the strength and resilience of families and an impassioned call to challenge and derail the linear grieving process we have been prescribed in western society.

Opening 23 May and continuing through to 11 June, My Little Sunshine aims to normalize conversations about death and dying and create a space where people can acknowledge their grief, talk about it, or simply hold space with it.

Endorsed by Palliative Care Australia, the exhibition invites voluntary audience participation, prompting attendees to engage with the featured stories and divulge their own experiences and memories of grief, joy, and loss.

Your donation, large or small, allows our services to be accessible to over 5,700 children in Queensland with a life-limiting condition, and their families.

Did you know:

$100can provide dinner for families staying overnight at Hummingbird House

$400 – could allow us to host a medically supported pool party for a child and their siblings

$1,000 - would enable us to provide an in-house funeral for a family 

$2,500could provide 4 nights respite care in a family home

Please help continue the vital work of Hummingbird House and ensure that they help create precious memories when time is short.