The Coles Hummingbird House Appeal
The Coles Hummingbird House Appeal is in it's 11th year and during that time, has raised over $5 million. This year we know we can raise even more! Your donation allows our services to be accessible to over 6,100 children in Queensland who are living with a life-limiting condition.
Your support, and our work, can together create precious memories

Currently, there are thousands of Queensland families loving and caring for a child with a life limiting-condition. Sadly, this means that their child is not expected to reach 18 years of age. The emotional, physical and financial struggle for these families can be overwhelming. And the opportunity to stay connected—to their partners, other children, family and friends—almost impossible, as they navigate their role of 24-7 carer.
Hummingbird House is Queensland’s only children’s hospice, and one of only three children’s hospices in Australia. We provide specialised paediatric palliative care services to children and young people with a life-limiting condition, helping them make the most of every precious moment they have.
Your donation, large or small, allows our services to be accessible to over 6,100 children in Queensland with a life-limiting condition, and their families. Did you know:
- $100 – could provide dinner for families staying overnight at Hummingbird House
- $250 – could provide a hydrotherapy session
- $400 – could allow us to host a medically supported pool party for a child and their siblings
- $1,000 - will enable us to provide an in-house funeral for a family
- $2,500 – could provide 4 nights in-home respite care
- $7,500 - will provide 3 nights care for a child and their family at Hummingbird House
To learn more about our services or how you can further support Hummingbird House, visit our website.
To each Coles staff member and families who made it all happen, thank you